From edcaaacc275bdd3dc04c553ce4446b7d8fc4fe9c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: lucile varloteaux <>
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2025 11:10:24 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?taduction=20message=20erreur=20+=20traduction?=
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 src/locales/en.json | 108 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 src/locales/fr.json |  10 ++--
 2 files changed, 69 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/locales/en.json b/src/locales/en.json
index 80008636c..526659c25 100644
--- a/src/locales/en.json
+++ b/src/locales/en.json
@@ -542,11 +542,11 @@
   "errors-yaml": {
     "badNameWithRight" : {
-      "title": "Erreur d'autorisation",
+      "title": "Erreur for authorization",
       "message": "You do not have the right to create an application with the name <code>{name}</code>.<br/> Contact the administrator to request permissions."
     "invalidLengthName" : {
-      "title": "Erreur dans le fichier de configuration",
+      "title": "Configuration File Error",
       "message": "The maximum length for the application name is 47 characters."
     "duplicateKey": {
@@ -583,7 +583,7 @@
     "badBooleanRequiredSections": {
       "message": "Only the values <code><B> true </B></code> or <code><B> false </B></code> are allowed.",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Boolean value error"
     "invalidIdentificateurs": {
       "message": "Presence of invalid identifiers {invalidIdentifiers}. Identifiers can only include lowercase letters and underscores",
@@ -591,107 +591,119 @@
     "badConstantImportHeaderRowNumber": {
       "message": "You must provide a positive line number.",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "ImportHeaderRowNumber value error"
     "badDomainTagPattern": {
       "message": "Tag definitions must match the following pattern: <code><B> {domainTagPattern} </B></code>",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Tag pattern error defined"
     "badEnumSectionType": {
       "message": "Only <code><B> {acceptedValues} </B></code> values are allowed.",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Configuration file section error"
     "badFloatRequiredSections": {
       "message": "Only decimal values are allowed.",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Decimal value error"
     "badIntegerRequiredSections": {
       "message": "Only integer values are allowed.",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Integer value error"
     "badLocaleLabels": {
       "message": "Invalid Locales are: <code><B> {badLocalLabels} </B></code>",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Local error language definition"
     "badLocaleSectionType": {
       "message": "The internationalization section  is defined by locales followed by their value (en: avalue).",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Internationalization section error (I18n)"
     "badTagsPatterns": {
       "message": "Tag names must be in the list: <code><B> {acceptedTagPatterns} </B></code>",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Tag name error"
     "badVersionPattern": {
       "message": "The version format <code><B> {givenVersion} </B></code> is invalid.",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Version format error"
     "illegalDomainTagPattern": {
       "message": "Names: <code><B> {reservedTagName} </B></code> must follow the format <code><B> {expectedPattern} </B></code>",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Error pattern tag"
+    },
+    "invalidComponentReferenceForSubmissionScopeReference": {
+      "message": "The reference:{componentReference} is not correct. The expected reference is: {submissionReference}",
+      "title": "Submission type error"
     "invalidComponentReferenceForAuthorizationScopeAuthorization": {
       "message": "The component {componentName} must have an OA references type checker",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Standard error checker"
+    },
+    "invalidDurationForCheckerDate": {
+      "message": "The declared duration (<code><B> {declaredDuration} </B></code>) is not valid.",
+      "title": "Error duration"
     "invalidMinMaxForCheckerDate": {
       "message": "The declared minimum value ({declaredMinValue}) or the declared maximum value (<code><B> {declaredMaxValue} </B></code>) does not match the format: <code><B> {expectedPattern} </ B></code>.",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Minimum / maximum value error"
     "invalidNaturalKey": {
       "message": "Columns:{invalidNaturalKeyElements} are declared as part of the key even though they do not exist. Known columns: <code><B> {expectedComponentLabel} </B></code>",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Column error"
     "invalidPatternForCheckerDate": {
       "message": "The declared pattern <code><B> {declaredPattern} </B></code>  contains invalid characters.",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Pattern date error"
     "missingAnyMandatoriesSections": {
       "message": "At least one <code><B> {anyMandatorySections} </B></code> section must exist.",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Mandatory section error"
     "missingCheckerName": {
       "message": "No name for the checker in the data type.<br /> We expect a checker name in an OA name: section.<br / > The expected checker types are: <code><B> {acceptedCheckerNames} </B></code>.",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Absence of checker name"
     "missingColumnNameValidation": {
       "message": "We need at least one declared column.<br /> The expected columns are: <code><B> {knownComponents} </B></code>.",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Missing column in validation"
     "missingComponentForComponentName": {
       "message": "The component returns 'null'.<br /> The expected columns are:<code><B> {knownComponents} </B></code>.",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "No column name"
+    },
+    "missingComponentForDisplayPattern": {
+      "message": "The name for column: <code>{badGroup}</code>.<br /> The expected columns are: <code><FONT color=black> {expectedComponent} </FONT></code>.",
+      "title": "Unknown column name"
     "missingConstantImportHeaderColumnOrRowNumber": {
       "message": "You must provide either an integer or a component name.",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Missing ImportHeaderColumn or RowNumber value"
     "missingConstantImportHeaderRowNumber": {
       "message": "You must provide a line number.",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Missing ImportHeaderRowNumber value"
     "missingConstantImportHeaderColumnNumber": {
       "message": "You must provide a header column number.",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Missing ImportHeaderColumnNumber value"
     "missingMandatoriesSections": {
       "message": "Sections <code><B> {missingMandatoriesSections} </B></code> are missing",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "No mandatory section"
     "missingNameApplication": {
       "message": "The application must have a name. The name 'null' is invalid.",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Absence of application name"
     "missingPatternForCheckerDate": {
       "message": "No pattern declared",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Lack of pattern"
     "missingReferenceAndComponentName": {
       "message": "We must have a component: <code><B> {knownComponents} </B></code> or a reference: <code><B> {allDataNames} </B></code>.",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "No column"
     "missingReferenceName": {
       "message": "During a checker, you must specify the name of the repository among <code><B> {allDataNames} </B></code>.",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Absence of reference name"
     "missingRequiredEnumValue": {
       "message": "One of its values is expected:<code><B> {acceptedValues} </B></code>.",
@@ -699,27 +711,27 @@
     "missingRequiredValue": {
       "message": "A value is expected.",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Absence required value"
     "missingVersionApplication": {
       "message": "The application version cannot be equal to 0 or null. Check that the version is indeed a positive integer.",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Missing application version"
     "negativeConstantImportHeaderRowNumber": {
       "message": "The number of the declared line cannot be less than 1.",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Negative value for ImportHeaderRowNumber"
     "negativeConstantImportHeaderColumnNumber": {
       "message": "The number of the declared column cannot be less than 1.",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Negative value for ImportHeaderColumnNumber"
     "notExpectedDomainTags": {
       "message": "The <code><B> {notExpectedDomainTags} </B></code> tags must have previously been declared in the OA TAGS section. The declared tags are <code><B> {expectedDomainTags} </B></code>.",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Missing tag declaration"
     "undefinedComponentForAuthorizationScopeAuthorization": {
       "message": "Component <code><B> {componentName} </B></code> does not exist.",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Unknown column"
     "unexpectedSubmission": {
       "message": "The OA_submission section can only be filled in for an OA_data section identified with the tag '__data__'.",
@@ -727,47 +739,51 @@
     "unexpectedSections": {
       "message": "Sections: <code><B> {unexpectedSections} </B></code> are not accepted",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Unexpected section"
     "unknownComponentForComponentName": {
       "message": "Column <code><B> {unknownComponent} </B></code> is unknown.<br /> The expected columns are: <code><B> {knownComponents} </B></code>.",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Unknown column"
     "unknownCheckerName": {
       "message": "The name {checkerName} for the checker The expected checker types are: <code><B> {acceptedCheckerNames} </B></code>.",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Unknown checker name"
     "unknownNameAuthorizationScope": {
       "message": "The authorization <code><B> {knownAuthorizationScope} </B></code> is unknown.<br /> The expected authorizations are: <code><B> {unknownAuthorizationScope} </B></code>.",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Unknown authorization"
     "unknownReferenceName": {
       "message": "Repository name <code><B> {referenceName} </B></code> is unknown.<br /> Please choose from <code><B> {allDataNames} </B></code> or l 'add.",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Unknown reference"
     "unknownReferenceColumnToLookForHeader": {
       "message": "Column name <code><B> {columnNameReference} </B></code> does not exist in reference <code><B> {referenceName} </B></code>. The declared columns are: <code><B> {listColumnsNameReference} </B></code>.",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Unknown column name"
     "unknownStrategySubmission": {
       "message": "Submission strategy <code><B> {declaredStrategy} </B></code> is invalid. You must choose from: <code><B> {allStrategy} </B></code>.",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Unknown submission strategy"
     "unsuportedI18nKeyLanguage": {
       "message": "The language key is not supported.",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Language not supported"
     "unsupportedNameApplication": {
       "message": "The application must have a name in lowercase without spaces. The name <code><B> {nameApplication} </B></code> is invalid.",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Unsupported application name"
+    },
+    "previousOpenadomVersion": {
+      "message": "YAML files with version <code><B> {actualVersion} </B></code> are not managed, the expected version is: <code><B> {expectedVersion} </B></code>",
+      "title": "OpenADOM version not supported"
     "unsupportedOpenadomVersion": {
       "message": "YAML files with version <code><B> {actualVersion} </B></code> are not managed, the expected version is: <code><B> {expectedVersion} </B></code>.",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "OpenADOM version not supported"
     "unsupportedVersionApplication": {
       "message": "The expected application version must be a positive integer.",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Unsupported application version"
     "duplicatedComponentName": {
       "message": "Component {componentName} is duplicated in sections {duplicatedPathes}.",
diff --git a/src/locales/fr.json b/src/locales/fr.json
index 8b54fd9ba..bceb1b176 100644
--- a/src/locales/fr.json
+++ b/src/locales/fr.json
@@ -588,7 +588,7 @@
     "badConstantImportHeaderRowNumber": {
       "message": "Vous devez indiquer un numéro de ligne positif.",
-      "title": "Erreur de valeur HeaderRowNumber"
+      "title": "Erreur de valeur ImportHeaderRowNumber"
     "badDomainTagPattern": {
       "message": "Les définitions de tags doivent correspondre au pattern suivant : <code><FONT color=black> {domainTagPattern} </FONT></code>",
@@ -666,6 +666,10 @@
       "message": "Renvoie 'null'.<br /> Les colonnes attendus sont :<code><FONT color=black> {knownComponents} </FONT></code>.",
       "title": "Absence de nom de colonne "
+    "missingComponentForDisplayPattern": {
+      "message": "Le nom de colonne: <code>{badGroup}</code>.<br /> Les colonnes attendues sont :<code><FONT color=black> {expectedComponent} </FONT></code>.",
+      "title": "Nom de colonne inconnu"
+    },
     "missingConstantImportHeaderColumnOrRowNumber": {
       "message": "Vous devez fournir soit: <br /> <ul style=\"list-style-type:square\"> <li>un entier</li> <li>un nom de colonne</li></ul>",
       "title": "Absence de valeur de ImportHeaderColumn ou RowNumber"
@@ -680,7 +684,7 @@
     "missingMandatoriesSections": {
       "message": "Les sections <code><B> {missingMandatoriesSections} </B></code> sont manquantes.",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Absence de section obligatoire"
     "missingNameApplication": {
       "message": "L'application doit avoir un nom. Le nom 'null' n'est pas valide.",
@@ -720,7 +724,7 @@
     "notExpectedDomainTags": {
       "message": "Les tags <code><B> {notExpectedDomainTags} </B></code> doivent avoir été préalablement déclarés dans la section OA TAGS. Les tags déclarés sont <code><FONT color=black> {expectedDomainTags} </FONT></code>.",
-      "title": ""
+      "title": "Déclaration de tag manquante"
     "undefinedComponentForAuthorizationScopeAuthorization": {
       "message": "Le colonne <code><B> {componentName} </B></code> n'existe pas.",