Evidence collection
r4.3.1-evidences-923.json f25e0da2
Collected 10 months ago
Release notes
- Add NDIVIA compute capability 8.0 and 9.0
- Remove OTB GUI dependencies
- Move OTB to version 9.0.0
- Move TensorFlow to version 2.14
Release notes
- Fix a bug occuring when input images origins were not sharing the same pixel grid
- CI to push "latest-gpu" tag on dockerhub
- Move to OTB 8.2.1
Release notes
- Big improvement of the documentation:
- Re-structure the entire doc, remove deprecated stuff, etc.
- Add a nice mkdocs template
- Docs are now hosted at otbtf.readthedocs.io
- Add a new section on the python API (end-to-end tutorial)
- A lot of new sections: distributed training, etc...
- Refactoring all the python classes to enforce pep8
- Base images: ubuntu:22.04 (cpu), nvidia/cuda:12.0.1-cudnn8-devel-ubuntu22.04 (gpu)
- Tensorflow version: 2.12.0
- Fixed Tensorflow error "Cannot register 2 metrics with the same name" + new test
- Faster CI build thanks to bazel remote cache
- /home/otbuser/.local/bin added to user path